52词语>英语词典>thin down翻译和用法

thin down

英 [θɪn daʊn]

美 [θɪn daʊn]

使(调味汁或液体)变稀薄; 使变淡



  • When a thin interbed is thicker than 0. 2m, the upper and down interfaces generate two groups of reflection waves, by which both the bed thickness and reservoir characteristic may be known.
  • A mathematical model was established for condensation on surfaces of vertical corrugated plates based on the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement to thin down the liquid film due to surface tension effect between corrugated plate surfaces and liquid films.
  • A video will be presented showing how steel flow in a thin slab caster with a tapered mold is influenced and calmed down when using the EMBR.
  • The mathematics morphology theory ′ s open and close arithmetic and the series of frame element arithmetic are used to thin down the fingerprint ′ s detail characteristic and extract the feature of the fingerprint.
  • The new design of such lamp includes the thin down of tube diameter, the improvement of electrode, the installation of getter and the operation with high frequency electronic ballast.
  • Thermal Criticality for a Reactive Gravity Driven Thin Film Flow of a Third Grade Fluid With Adiabatic Free Surface Down an Inclined Plane
  • So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man who was seen running down Upper Street at10 last night.
  • The person that reduce weight must not one thin come down to treat sth lightly, lest all one's previous efforts wasted.
  • The hydrogen contained in SiNx thin film can enhance the carrier mobility of monocrystalline silicon, but after annealing at high temperature the mobility turns down.
  • The C content is about from 0.08% to 0.20% in peritectic reaction region because the cooling rate of CSP thin slab is faster and its Fe-C phase diagram moves to the down left;